dotBrand: “Brands & Domains Conference”

Brands & Domains is the annual conference dedicated to dotBrand registry operators and future applicants.
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Brands & Domains is the annual conference dedicated to dotBrand registry operators and future applicants. Marketers, Brand Executives, IP Specialists and Policy Makers exchange and discuss opportunities, best practice as well as research and analysis.
The objectives of the conference are:

  • Inform brands about the existing use cases so that brands include dotBrand in their digital marketing tools landscape.
  • Educate communication and web agencies about the potential of dotBrand domains.
  • Raise awareness of dotBrand global programme.
  • Connect the world of digital marketing and branding with the domain name ecosystem.

This is the second annual Brands & Domains conference and features speakers such as Akram Atallah, Deputy CEO and President, Global Domains Division and Georges Edouard Dias, ex Chief Digital Officer of l’Oreal. We will also exclusively share the results of an SEO contest run by web agencies, and will also involve universities and researchers.

The conference is a neutral and non-biased platform to discuss four main dot brand point of views:

Logo-brandsanddomainsAttendees are executives and senior managers from brands and agencies around the world. Registrars and registries will connect with marketers and brand specialists to help develop and generate brand value.

Link: Brand and Domains Conference –

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