Afilias Acquires Premium TLDs .ARCHI, .BIO and .SKI

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Afilias Acquires Premium TLDs .ARCHI, .BIO and .SKI

DUBLIN – August 08, 2016 – Afilias, a leading domain registry operator, is pleased to announce the acquisition of StartingDot, the Registry Operator for 3 new TLDs: .ARCHI, .BIO and .SKI. The acquisition  agreement is part of Afilias’ ongoing program of acquiring new TLDs to add to its portfolio. StartingDot’s  TLDs are a good fit with other Afilias TLD’s such as .ORGANIC, .GREEN, .BLUE, and .PRO.

StartingDot brands being acquired by Afilias include .ARCHI, .BIO & .SKI:

  • .ARCHI is exclusively for architects, architecture agencies, universities and other architecturally-oriented organizations. Over 5,000 architects worldwide have already registered their .ARCHI.
  • .BIO has several uses, in several languages, ranging from “biologique” or organic, to “biography” or resume (CV). .BIO is unrestricted.
  • .SKI is also unrestricted, and has been specially created for the ski industry and ski enthusiasts. If you love snow sports, you can now have a web address ending in .SKI. Share your experiences, promote your brand, and even attract new clients online with a web address designed exclusively for members of the ski sports community.

“Afilias has an active program for acquiring new Top Level Domains, and StartingDot is just the beginning. We are excited to be able to offer even more domain choices to registrars who serve professionals, athletes, businesses and enthusiasts of all kinds. Afilias’ experience in building new TLDs, coupled with the broader distribution available through Afilias’ registrar friendly platform, should enable all 3 of these TLDs to reach their full potential,” said Roland LaPlante, chief marketing officer of Afilias.

“StartingDot developed these three new domains to add tremendous value to specific groups and communities. Our premium price and sector-specific approach has been very successful,” said Godefroy Jordan, CEO and co-founder of StartingDot. “Becoming part of Afilias, with its strong track record in the domain name space, will support the continued growth of our top-level domains and provide excellent service to our clients.” StartingDot’s executives, Godefroy Jordan and Stéphane Van Gelder, will have continuing roles as the business transitions. Transition plans will be announced to registrars shortly. 

Other Registry Operators interesting in talking with Afilias should contact us at WeBuyTLDs@Afilias.INFO

For More Information on these new Afilias Brands:




About Afilias

Afilias is the world’s second largest domain registry, with millions of domain names under management. Afilias powers a wide variety of top-level domains, including TLDs for countries, cities, brands, communities and generic terms. Afilias’ specialized technology makes Internet addresses more accessible and useful through a broad range of applications, including Internet domain registry services, managed DNS, and mobile Web services. For more information on Afilias services, visit

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