Webinar: Community top-level domains (TLDs) and human rights

In this webinar it present and discuss the main findings from the Council of Europe report on Community Based gTLDs and Human Rights
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Webinar on “Community top-level domains (TLDs) and human rights “

January 18 – 15:00 UTC at https://participate.icann.org/ncsg/ 

Key considerations:

Community objections and community priority evaluation

ICANN accountability mechanisms

Concepts for the next gTLD application rounds

In this webinar it present and discuss the main findings from the Council of Europe report on Community Based gTLDs and Human Rights  with:


  • Niels ten Oever ( Head of Digital at Article 19 – Chair of the CCWP HR – Rapporteur for CCWG WS2 Human Rights sub-team);
  • Patrick Penninckx (Head of Information Society Department, Council of Europe)

Key findings:

  • Eve Salomon (Co-Author of the report –  International consultant and legal expert on media law and
    human rights);
  • Kinanya Pijl (Co-Author of the report – PhD Candidate, European University, Florence)


  • Mark Carvell (GAC Vice-Chair – Co-Chair GAC WG on Human Rights and International Law);
  • Chris Disspain (ICANN Board Member);
  • Jamie Baxter (Dotgay LLC);
  • Cherine Chalaby (ICANN Board Member);
  • Avri Dora (Internet Researcher – Co-Chair Subsequent gTLD procedures WG).


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